Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral (Catedral de Sevilla) is the Episcopal Church of the Archdiocese of Seville in Seville. It is the largest Gothic church in the world and one of the largest churches in the world. It was built in 1401-1519, is a historical monument since 1928, is since 1987 a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


The cathedral was built in the years 1401 to 1519 in the Gothic style on the remains of the 12th- century Arab Mezquita Mayor. It is the largest religious building in Spain and one of the largest cathedrals in the world. Its length is 115 m, its width 76 m. The height of the central nave is 42 m, has a total of five naves of the cathedral.

In July 2008, the hitherto oldest ground plan of the cathedral from the 16th century have been found in the northern Spanish Monastery Bidaurreta near San Sebastián. The drawing shows five naves and 32 columns.

In the cathedral is located next to glorious grave sculptures of the Middle Ages also erected a tomb for 1902 Christopher Columbus. The whereabouts of his remains was uncertain after several Atlantic crossings. The four pallbearers embody the kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarre.

Ground plan


The Capilla de San Antonio is home to the image created by Murillo La Visión de San Antonio ( = The visions delusions, meaning the temptations of St.. Antonius ).

As also worth seeing are the Capilla de la Virgen de la Antigua with the fresco of the Virgin and built in the years 1551-1575 in Renaissance style Capilla Real. The Royal Chapel serves as the grave chapel for Ferdinand III, his wife Beatrix and his sons. ; including Alfonso X

The Capilla Mayor poses with the retablo, a major work of the Spanish Holzschnitzgotik, the largest altarpiece in the world. It was among several Masters 1482-1564 and measures 23 (height) x 20 (width) meters. Below sits centrally driven in the silver image of the Virgen de la Sede, also spread 45 grand and detailed relief Fields with wooden carved scenes from the life of Jesus Christ and Mary from.


In the central nave (chorus ) there are two monumental organs. They are a mirror image of one another in two yokes, with organ pipes to each nave and the side aisles. Your prospectuses Baroque are made ​​of solid wood.

The instrument that is played from a central, free-standing game table, goes back to the work of Aquelino Amezúa from the year 1901, and was subjected to a 1970 neo- Baroque style. 1996 has overtaken the organ and restored to the former condition Gerhard Grenzing (El Papiol, Spain). The registers are distributed among five plants, the main work (organo mayor ), return positive ( " Cadireta " catalan " stool " ), the Swell ( expresivo ), which bombards work and the pedal. The register names are based on the Tiento.

  • Pairing: Normal coupling, No. 67-74: I / P, II / P, III / P IV / P, II / I, III / I, IV / I, III / II
  • Deadbolt, No. 75-78: mixturas ex, ex llengüeteria, exterior ex
  • Fixed combinations, No. 79-80: tutti, zapata de expression para el III
  • Combination system

Sarcophagus of Christopher Columbus

Is the tomb of Christopher Columbus at the Puerta de la Lonja. The monument was built in 1902. Sarcophagus supported by four heralds, representing the kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarre. This is a symbolism that even the remains of Columbus " traveled " are. After his death in Valladolid in 1506, he was a few years later brought to Seville, in 1596 then transferred to Santo Domingo. When in 1795 the French came there, did you not leave them Columbus, and brought the remains to Havana. 1898, the remains were in turn shipped to Seville. 2006 Spanish scientists led by a DNA comparison with the remains out of the sarcophagus and the remains of Columbus' brother and Christopher Columbus ' son Fernando Columbus and confirmed Christopher Columbus' identity.


The minaret of the old Moorish mosque, today the cathedral tower, called the Giralda, is the landmark of the city. The tower is the rest of the former mosque from the year 1184 and at that time was one of the tallest buildings in the world ( surpassed only by the two largest of the three pyramids in Giza (Egypt) ).

It is unusual that this tower up to the height of the bell chair, ie up to the gallery to approximately 70 m in height, can be climbed on horseback. Instead of stairs, the builder put on a 2,50 m wide ramp, allow their ceiling height an ascent on horseback. By this ramp (instead of stairs) could be announced soon important messages.

In Glockenhaus depend 24 bells, 20 on the outside - each 5 on each side - and 4 bells inside. On the top of the tower stands the bronze Giraldillo. It is about a female statue as an incarnation ( incarnation ) of triumphant Christian faith. It is 4 m high, weighs 2.000 kilograms and comes from the artist Bartolomé Morel. Today it is at the Giraldillo which is located at the Puerta de San Cristobal ( Puerta de la Lonja ), prior to the Cathedral for a copy of the restored original. There the only tourist entrance is in the Cathedral ( 2013: € 8).

Including performed in Christian time extensions, with the Giraldillo, the Giralda measures 104.5 meters. The name Giralda (Spanish: girar - rotate, revolve ) comes from the weather vane on the spire.

Orange Tree

At the western portal, the Puerta del Perdon Moorish style features contrasting as Kufic script and horseshoe arch with Christian art. The archway leads into the Naranjos ( Patio de los Naranjos ). Off the west facade of the cathedral is the former court of the mosque. Which had been inherited from Visigothic period fountain was used by the Moors for ritual ablutions.
