Shire of Boddington

- 32.8116.46666666667Koordinaten: 32 ° 48 ' S, 116 ° 28' O The Shire of Boddington is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Western Australia. The area is 1901 km ² and has about 1400 inhabitants.

Boddington is located in the southwest of the state, about 110 km southeast of the capital Perth. The seat of the City Council is located in the town of Boddington in the east of the LGA, where about 930 inhabitants.


The Boddington Council has seven members. They are elected by all residents of the Shire. Boddington is not divided into districts. From the circle of Councillor also the Chairman of the Council ( Shire President) recruited.

