Something to Live For (film)

What life is worth an American feature film from the year 1952. He treats the subject of alcohol disease.


Jenny Carey is a successful actress who directed her career by her alcohol addiction is based. It applies just to the advertising manager Alan Miller, who was himself an alcoholic. Alan is married to Edna and father of two children. He falls in love with the actress and tries to help her. You should go to AA meeting. Alan's intense effort ultimately leads to crisis in his marriage. His wife does not believe him, that this is only his compassion for a sick woman. Alan is a matter of relapse and finally has to decide whether he can be pulled Jenny into the abyss or stays with Edna in the bosom of the family. Alan decides to Edna and the children, even though he loves Jenny.


Ray Milland played after his hit movie The Lost Weekend of 1945 for the second time the lead role in a film drinking problem. What life is worth the first film, which deals with the organization of Alcoholics Anonymous in a movie as a theme.


" Melodrama with excellent protagonists. "

"(...) Pretty weak film that wins by good actor performances. " ( Score: 2 out of 4 stars - average ) "
