St Michael's on Wyre

53.862967 - 2.820207Koordinaten: 53 ° 52 ' N, 2 ° 49 ' W

St Michael's on Wyre is a place in Lancashire, England near the cities of Preston, Blackpool and Fleetwood. The village has 601 inhabitants ( as of 2001) and lies on the River Wyre.

The place is mentioned in the Doomsday Book of 1086. Since the 12th century, the church gives the place its name, its original name Upper Rawcliffe with Tarnacre but it is used even today occasionally and is the name of the civil parish in which the village lies. According to legend, the first church dedicated to the Archangel Michael of the place is to be built at a ford of the Wyre 627-640.

The location of the resort right on the river Wyre, but especially the mouth of the River Wyre River Brock in the east of town, near the mouth of the River Calder set out the location of a large risk of flooding. Concerned residents visited on 23 May 1984, the Auslassgebäude of Abbeystead tunnel in Abbeystead to learn whether this connection of the River Lune would contribute to the Wyre to flood risk in their place. During the visit there was a methane gas explosion by 16 people from St Michael's on Wyre died and many were injured.
