Strange Planet

Strange Planet is an Australian comedy film from the year 1999. Directed by Emma -Kate Croghan, who also wrote the screenplay with Stavros Kazantzidis.


The film depicts the lives of three people living in a house in Sydney women - Judy, Alice and Sally - between a New Year's Day and the next New Year's Day. The women have relationships with men, some of whom are married and others much older than themselves. These include the lawyer Neil and Ewan applicable as a womanizer, whose former partner was pregnant.


Derek Adams wrote in the magazine TimeOut London, the film is a romantic ensemble comedy that is smart, but never better than halfway done. He had a lot of energy, Croghan prove, however, that the rotation of the comedies do not go as fast as those of Woody Allen would act. His only real surprise was how long it would last until the end of fixed pairs would form.

The editors of Channel 4 Film wrote that the " send " in the locations Sydney is moved film offers a " well- observed, sharp " script and a "nice view " about the problems of adults.


Emma -Kate Croghan was nominated in 1999 for the Bronze Horse of the Stockholm Film Festival.


The world premiere was held in Australia on 7 October 1999. On 20 November 1999, the film on the Argentine Mar del Plata Film Festival was shown.
