
Butter Boletus ( Suillus luteus )

The Schmierröhrlingsverwandten ( Suillaceae ) are a family of the order Dickröhrlingsartigen with 58 species worldwide.


The Schmierröhrlingsverwandten have as many boletus hat and handle structured fruiting bodies with tubes on the Hutunterseite. The genus Truncocolumella forms of truffle -like fruiting bodies. From the family of Dickröhrlingsverwandten they differ in the presence of specific pigments such as prenylated phenols and quinones as Cavipetin, Suillin and Boviquinon. The spores are pigmented, smooth, elliptical to fusiform.


The Schmierröhrlingsverwandten are consistently mycorrhizal fungi exclusively with conifers, which they also differ from the Dickröhrlingsverwandten.


The Schmierröhrlingsverwandten included long to Dickröhrlingsverwandten ( Boletaceae ) within the Dickröhrlingsartigen ( Boletales ). Bresl and Bresinsky but recognized due to chemical ingredients and pigments, that they are more closely related to the Schmierling relatives ( Gomphidiaceae ) and the root truffle relatives ( Rhizopogonaceae ), although the former have fins and the latter forming fruiting bodies underground. They made every 3 families in their own subordination Suillineae within the Dickröhrlingsverwandten.


  • Psiloboletinus with the only kind Psiloboletinus lariceti Singer
  • Lubricating boletes ( Suillus )
  • Truncocolumella

Several formerly independent genera are incorporated by molecular biological investigations in the genus Suillus, including the Hohlfußröhrlinge ( Boletinus ) Gastrosuillus and Fuscoboletinus.

