The South West African National Union (English South West African National Union official: SWANU of Namibia ) is a political party in Namibia, was established in 1959 as the first unit gesamtnamibische nationalist movement.

The leadership positions SWANU were first occupied by SWAPA activists; short time later, other groups, including the OPO with its president Sam Nujoma were integrated into it. In April 1960, the SWANU broke apart again; the OPO founded his own organization, which SWAPO.

The SWANU continued to exist, however, both in competition with SWAPO as well as her temporary co-operation partners in the SWANLIF founded in 1963 ( South African National Liberation Front ).

Political positions

The SWANU was contrary to SWAPO mainly from urban intellectuals and students, so they did not have broad popular base. It represented a more internationalist and pan-African exchange rate while SWAPO focused exclusively on the liberation of Namibia. Received support SWANU in their time of struggle of the People's Republic of China. Today it is still a radical pan-Africanism and Socialist Party, during the SWAPO has moved towards the political center.

Motto is Give the country and Wealth Back to The People (Give the land and the wealth back to the people ). In its fourth elections in 2009 SWANU won for the first time a seat in the National Assembly.

Election results


