
58.95527822.773333Koordinaten: 58 ° 57 'N, 22 ° 46' O

Tubala is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Pühalepa ( Pühalepa vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).

Population and location

Tubala has 79 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011) .. It is located six kilometers southeast of the island's capital Kärdla.

Through the village the river Nuutri ( Nuutri Jõgi ) flows.

"Anchor of Hiiumaa "

Tubala is known for an elongated and bespickten with nails pile. According to legend, the wood anchors the island on the ocean floor, thus preventing the drifting of Hiiumaa. The post was restored in 2003. Every year on 28 July new nails are. Enter the name of patrons who have contributed financially to the preservation of culture of Hiiumaa.

In the immediate vicinity is a foundling. It has a diameter of twenty meters, its height is 3.5 m.
