Vice-Chancellor of Austria

The Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria represents the Chancellor during his absence. In coalition governments mandate the weaker party claim arose mostly on the function of the Vice- Chancellor.

  • 2.1 First Republic
  • 2.2 Second Republic

For Office

Vice-Chancellor by the Federal Constitution

The power of representation of the Vice Chancellor is regulated since November 10, 1920 by the Austrian Federal Constitution in Article 69 paragraph 2 of the Federal Constitutional Law (B- VG):

The Vice-Chancellor, as the Chancellor, the other Federal Ministers recognized as legally equivalent, or one of their own.

Already in the First Republic and in the first 25 years of the Second Republic, the respective Vice Chancellor have often led ministries at the same time, such as Ferdinand Hanuschplatz the social department, Johann Schober, the Home Office, Carl Vaugoin the Army Department and Fritz Bock the Department of Commerce. If this was in the years of the " grand coalition " not the case, the Vice-Chancellor headed parts of the Federal Chancellery. Since 1991, each vice-chancellor was also head of department.

Vice-Chancellor before the Federal Constitutional

1918 was the State Government Renner I, the first of the new state, no representation for the State Chancellor, as this initially acted as an auxiliary organ of the three-member State Council Presidium; the three presidents took turns from a week, each with a led in the house ( = Provisional National Assembly ), the Council ( = Council of State) and the cabinet ( = state government ) in the chair.

For the state governments Renner II and III and Mayr I, 1919/20, its Law on the State Government dated March 14, 1919, respectively, a vice-chancellor was of the National Assembly, the following is selected; he could be the head of a department at the same time.

In the Provisional Government Renner in 1945, which operated without Parliament, and in re-enactment of the Federal Constitution, the State became Chancellor of the three policy, the State assigned to secretaries of state ( the ministers were called in those governments ) represented; each one came from ÖVP, SPÖ and KPO. The title of vice-chancellor did not exist here. Johann Koplenig, 1945 Communist Party Secretary of the Political Cabinet, but in retrospect should have called former Vice-Chancellor.

Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria

First Republic

Second Republic

Timeline of the Vice-Chancellor (since 1945)
