Vilkitsky Island (Kara Sea)

The Wilkizki Island (Russian Остров Вилькицкого, Ostrow Wilkizkowo ) is an uninhabited, Russian island in the Kara Sea. Administratively it belongs to the autonomous district of the Yamal- Nenets in Tyumen Oblast. The island is named after Andrei Ippolitowitsch Wilkizki, a Russian hydrographer and geodesics and father of Boris Andreyevich Wilkizki.


The Wilkizki Island is located north of the Yenisei estuary in the southern part of the Kara Sea, a marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. From the Siberian mainland ( Gydan Peninsula), the island is about 50 km, about 80 km from the Schokalski Island to the southwest 40 km from the Sibiryakov Island in the southeast. 15 km south of it lies the smaller Neupokojewa Island. The crescent-shaped Wilkizki Island is about 42 km long, up to 12 km wide and has an area of almost 154 km ². The island has in the far east and in the west ever a sandy spit, only wider, middle part is dominated by tundra. The eastern spit is separated by a few meters wide estuary from the larger part of the island. The Wilkizki Island is - how many islands in the Kara Sea - mostly flat and reaches a height of 5 meters above the sea. It is part of the 1996 furnished Sapowedniks Gydan, one of the larger nature reserves in Russia.
