Vulture Culture


Alan Parsons, Eric Woolfson, Mr. Laser Beam, David Paton, Colin Blunstone, inter alia,

Vulture Culture is a studio album by British band The Alan Parsons Project. The first page of the original vinyl LP, and the first four CD titles consist exclusively of four -minute pop songs, while the second side, has a broad spectrum of sounds from subtle and funky title track, to the lively and dry Hawkeye. Days Are Numbers ( The Traveller ) is known as one of the best songs of the project. Early 1985, the single reached Let's Talk About Me, the Top 40 in the Netherlands and Germany, where the accompanying album went to # 1. The song contains spoken passages from Lee Abrams, who is mentioned on the cover with the anagram Mr. Laser Beam.

Originally the album was planned as a second LP a double album, from which Ammonia Avenue should first pose. The song Sooner or Later was recently designated " landing third attempt another hit with the guitar runs of Eye in the Sky" by Parsons himself as. Vulture Culture is the only album by Alan Parsons Project that contains no orchestration by Andrew Powell.

Title list

View all tracks by Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, unless otherwise stated

Vulture Culture was re-mastered and re-released in 2007 with the following bonus tracks:
