Windows MultiPoint Server

This product was added to computer science because of the content, defects on the quality assurance side of the editor. This is done to bring the quality of the articles from the computer science subject area to an acceptable level. Help us to eliminate the substantive shortcomings of this article and take part you in the discussion! ( ) Reason: Removing and bequellen - Crazy1880 20:41, February 5, 2011 (UTC)

Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server is a variant of the operating system Microsoft Windows NT, which was introduced in the generation Windows 7 for multi-user computer.

Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server 2010 was the first generation of this variant. The branch of Microsoft in India had developed primarily for schools. Unlike the server name suggests, this generation is not aligned with the client -server model to communicate with clients. For every workplace, a separate graphics card must be installed in the computer. The keyboards and pointing devices the jobs are connected to the Universal Serial Bus. In addition to licenses for educational institutions for OEM licenses were offered that do not allow administration by a domain controller.

Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 is the second generation and allowed as a substantial change in addition to the usual use as a terminal server. The Premium Edition allows their management be by a Domain Controller, while it is still excluded in the Standard Edition.
