
  • SPÖ: 8
  • ÖVP: 7

Zagersdorf is a municipality with 988 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013 ) in Burgenland in the district of Eisenstadt-Umgebung in Austria.

The Hungarian name of the village is Zárány. Zagersdorf ( Croatian name Cogrštof ) is one of the area settled in the Burgenland Croat community.


The municipality is located in the middle of a vineyard in northern Burgenland, near the state capital, Eisenstadt, on the border with Hungary. Zagersdorf is the only place in the community.


Before Christ's birth, the area was part of the Celtic kingdom of Noricum and belonged to the area of the Celtic hillfort castle on the Schwarzenbacher Castle Hill.

Later, under the Romans today Zagersdorf then lay in the province of Pannonia.

The place was first 1461/1462 mentioned in a document. After being destroyed by the Turks in 1532 was a new settlement by the Croats.

Zagersdorf was like the rest of Burgenland to 1920/21 Hungary ( German West Hungary). Since 1898, had to be used because of Magyarization the government in Budapest the Hungarian name Zárány. After the end of World War II German West Hungary was awarded in the Treaties of St. Germain and Trianon in 1919 Austria after tough negotiations. The place belongs since 1921 to the newly founded State of Burgenland (see also history of Burgenland ).

Since 1992 Zagersdorf is an independent municipality, before the place was a cadastral district of victory village.




Mayor Helmut Zakall of the Social Democratic Party, Deputy Mayor Christoph Zarits of the ÖVP. Office manager is Yvonne Zakall.

The distribution of seats (15 seats) in the municipal council is 8 SPÖ, ÖVP 7, Freedom Party, Green and other lists 0 mandates.

Culture and sights

The parish church Zagersdorf was built in the 18th century. Its tower dates from the year 1810. In the village there are also the Chapel of the Cross ( built in 1727 ) and a column Sebastian (built in 1717), a Marian column and a Holy Trinity Column.


  • Franz Bauer (1874-1930), horse traders and politicians
  • Martin Borenić (1850-1939), cantor and teacher, calendar clerk, writer