Lepiel Raion

The Rajon Lepel (White Russian Лепельскі раён; Russian Лепельский район ) is an administrative unit in the southwest of Wizebskaja Woblasz in Belarus with the administrative center in the town of Lepel. The Rajon has an area of ​​1,800 square kilometers and comprises 238 villages.


The Rajon Lepel was formed in its current boundaries on 17 July 1924.


The Rajon Lepel is located in the southwestern part of the Wizebskaja Woblasz. The Nachbarrajone in Wizebskaja Woblasz in the West Dokschyzy, in the north Uschatschy, in the northeast and southeast Beschankowitschy Tschaschniki.

In the region there are 136 lakes.
