Radical 15

The radical 15 with the meaning of "Ice " is one of 23 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are made ​​with two strokes.

With 29 combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary it is relatively rare in the lexicon.

The radical冫represents letter in the context of meaning of cold and so Coherent such as in

The two water drops冫be dominated by the left. Find it in the lower position, so they turn into two small strokes such as in

The sign is similar to Katakanaソ" so "ン"n" andシ" shi ".

In contrast, no relation to this radical, the two strokes in the following simplified Chinese characters:

In character次( = order), the left component of二( = two ) developed.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 15

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals the radical is 15 encoded code point number 12,046 (U 2 F0E ).
