Radical 196

Radical 196 meaning " bird" is one of six traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are written with eleven strokes.

With 105 characters connect in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary it takes a very high frequency.

Abbreviation ( PRC ) :鸟

The seal script form of this sign is a bird is with feathers, which can be seen in traditional characters still than four points below. 鸟establishes a connection to the importance of farmland birds, such as in:

鸟also occurs as a sound carrier, for example, in the character岛/岛( = island).

Only one missing point differs鸟/鸟of乌/乌( = crow). Therefore also means呜/呜( = toot ) something other than鸣/鸣( = bird call ).

There is yet another character with the meaning bird, namely radical 172隹= little bird.

The symbol of the radical 196 is鸟; with鸟characters are compounds of U 9 CE5 to䴒U encoded 9 E1E, then it with鸟of U 9 E1F to龌U 9 F8C.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 196

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 196 under the code point number 12,227 (U 2 FC3 ).
