Radical 212

Radical 212龙, meaning " dragon " is one of only two traditional Radicals of Chinese writing with sixteen strokes. The Chinese symbol for dragon (龙) is greatly simplified and the Japanese short form (竜) is virtually impossible to identify the origin.

With 5 characters compounds in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, it happens very rarely. Also in the Kangxi Dictionary, there were only 14 of 40,000 characters which had to see this radical.

In composite character occurs龙/龙mainly as a sound carrier as in

The Chinese dragon is the most famous mythical creature of East Asian culture. This is - in contrast to European dragons - rather with a Deity as similar to a demon. Local dragon deities ( rivers and lakes) are worshiped in rural areas, for example, to ask for rain. The look of the dragon can be described as follows:

The Dragon is one of the twelve animals in the Chinese calendar. In China, he is the most popular of the twelve signs: In dragon years, it is - especially since the one-child policy - demonstrated a significant increase in the birth rate. Dragon years (辰chen) are:

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 212

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 212 under the code point number 12,243 (U 2 FD3 ).
