Radical 27

Radical 27 with the meaning " slope ", " cliff " is one of 23 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are made ​​with two strokes. The sign is similar to the Zhuyinzeichen ㄏ [ h] and the Cyrillic Г "g".

厂The sign is used today in the People's Republic of China as the abbreviation (example:工厂= factory). The radical厂presented but originally a rock overhang represents, among which one can assume.

( Radical 53; = wide, wide short form of広or广) was厂formerly often with广, not to be confused with the same written广replaced.

For the purposes of a protected residence厂is a sense of support for the importance of the " live " with such as:

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 27

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 27 under the code point number 12,058 (U 2 F1A ).
