Radical 208

Radical 208 is with the meaning of "Mouse, Rat" is one of four traditional radicals of Chinese writing with thirteen strokes.

With 7 characters compounds in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary it is very rare. The Kangxi Dictionary can be found at this radical but still 92 characters.

The spelling variant鼡only eight strokes can barely see the relationship with the original characters, it will not be used for combinations of signs.

Came out the character from the pictogram of a mouse. Compliance are characters with the radical鼠in the context mouse or mouse-like animals such as:

The zodiac in Chinese astrology give every 12 years a unique name. In the legend, Buddha summoned all the animals to a feast. The rat told the cat that this feast would be celebrated one day later. She even rode on the back of the buffalo to the hard and reached it first. Buddha rewarded all animals by each named a year after them. Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. But the cat has since pursued the rat to take revenge.

The mouse ( or rat ) is valid according to the Chinese calendar as aggressive. Mouse years (子zǐ ) are:

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 208

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 208 under the code point number 12,239 (U 2 FCF).
