Radical 47

The radical 47 with the meaning of " current ", "river" is one of 31 traditional radicals of Chinese writing, which consist of three strokes.

In Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary character compounds with this radical only very rarely. Also in the 40,000 -character Kangxi Dictionary are only 26 characters can be found at this radical.

Spelling variations are巜(similar to the Zhuyinzeichen ㄍ [ ɡ̊ ] ) and川.

Shown is the water of several rivers that flow across the country. The three angular strokes (三 拐 儿sanguir ) indicate in their seal script form of parallel wavy lines. Today this character川is written. Characters with this radical have partly to do with water as邕( = alternative name of the city of Nanning in Guangxi ). The lower part of this sign邑( = city) is the city wall, the upper part巛for water. The sign邕so mean a city surrounded by water.

In other characters巛, however, has nothing to do with water. In character巢( = nest ) depicts the seal character down a tree木represents on which a nest is located, protrude from the three beaks. For these beaks later became the character巛.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 47

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 47 of the Code Point number 12,078 (U 2 F2E ).
