Radical 161

Radical 161 meaning " morning" ( 5 billet ) is one of 20 of the 214 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are written by seven strokes.

With three combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, there are very few characters that can be found at this radical in the lexicon.

The radical morning accepts only character in the long list of traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 161 position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries may find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, at 187th place.

Guo Moruo, a noted linguist, analyzed from the oracle-bone forms the character辰that it originally referred to a stone agricultural implements. This relationship is still preserved in the character of Agriculture, at least in the uncut form :农(abbreviation :农). Here you can find辰as lower component.

辱( = shame ) was originally left the耒plus辰component, plus寸, a form of needlework. The Hand leads an agricultural implement here. For the Verschriftung of the fifth heaven strain was used辰( chen) as Leihzeichen. As a component in composite sign it usually works as the carrier as in宸( chen = big house ) ,晨,振( = Tomorrow ) (= flutter, shake) ,赈( = material support someone ) ,娠( in :妊娠= pregnant) ,蜃( = shell) and also唇( = lip ).

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 161

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 161 under the code point number 12,192 (U 2 FA0 ).
