Roman Catholicism in Peru

The Roman Catholic Church in Peru is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome.


With the Spanish conquest in 1532 also held the Catholic Church entrance into Peru. The Archdiocese of Lima in 1541 by Pope Paul III. founded, first bishop was the Dominican Jerónimo de Loayza OP.

Liberation theology was known worldwide by the Catholic Church in Peru in the 1970s; the concept of liberation theology was coined by the Peruvian Dominican Gustavo Gutierrez with his book " Teología de la liberación ".

Since 1986 there is a partnership between the Archdiocese of Freiburg and the Church in Peru.


The Roman Catholic Church in Peru consists of more than 90 % of the Peruvian population.

Chairman of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference (CEP ) is Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte OFM. Apostolic Nuncio is since 2009 the Italian Archbishop Bruno Musaro.

Dioceses in Peru

  • Archdiocese of Arequipa: Diocese of Puno, Tacna y Moquegua diocese, Territorialprälatur Ayaviri, Territorialprälatur Chuquibamba Territorialprälatur July
  • Archdiocese of Ayacucho o Huamanga: Diocese of Huancavelica, Territorialprälatur Caravelí
  • Archdiocese of Cuzco: Diocese Abancay Territorialprälatur Chuquibambilla, Territorialprälatur Sicuani
  • Archdiocese of Huancayo: Diocese of Huánuco, Diocese of Tarma
  • Archdiocese of Lima: Diocese of Callao, Carabayllo diocese, diocese Chosica, Diocese of Huacho, Diocese of Ica, Diocese of Lurín, Territorialprälatur Yauyos
  • Archdiocese of Piura: Diocese of Chachapoyas, Chiclayo diocese, diocese chulucanas, Territorialprälatur Chota
  • Archdiocese of Trujillo: Diocese of Cajamarca, Diocese of Chimbote, Huaraz diocese, diocese of Huari, Territorialprälatur Huamachuco, Territorialprälatur moyobamba
  • Immediate: Military Ordinariate, Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos, Peru o en Jaén Apostolic Vicariate of San Francisco Javier, Apostolic Vicariate of Pucallpa, Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado, Apostolic Vicariate of Requena, Apostolic Vicariate San José de Amazonas, Apostolic Vicariate of San Ramón, Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas