
Variaş ( officially 1919-1925: Dănciuleşti; German: Warjasch; Hungarian: Varjas ) is a municipality in the Romanian part of Banat. The nearest major town is Timisoara ( Timisoara dt ).

Neighboring towns


1333 first emerged on the name Varjas. From 1786 Warjasch was settled by Banat Swabians. They found the Banat before in swamp -like state. The saying " the first death, the second the need and the third the bread " portrays the former rigors of the first emigrants. The houses were built from clay. That's why you took away from Banat villages often huge pits caused by the removal of clay.

Warjasch was mainly inhabited by three nationalities. Each nationality was "their" road. They spoke of the " Walachschgass " ( Romanians ) and the " Serbian alley ". To distinguish the long-established residents called the Austrian administration, the original inhabitants of Banat " nationalists ". The separation of the streets by language and religion brought with it that you spoke of a Serb and of a German village, although the administration was always consistent.

The market rights received Warjasch 1874.

On 4 June 1920, the Banat was divided into three parts as a result of the Treaty of Trianon. The largest, eastern part, which included Warjasch, fell to Romania.

As a result of the Waffen-SS Agreement of May 12, 1943 between the Antonescu government and Hitler's Germany all ethnic German conscript men were drafted into the German army. Even before the war, in January 1945, the deportation of all ethnic German women took place between 18 and 30 years and men aged 16-45 years to build labor in the Soviet Union instead.

The land reform law of 23 March 1945 which provided for the expropriation of German farmers in Romania, the rural population deprived the livelihood. The nationalization law of June 11, 1948, provided for the nationalization of all industrial and commercial establishments, banks and insurance companies, whereby all farms were expropriated, regardless of ethnicity.

As the population along the Romanian- Yugoslav border of the Romanian governance after the rift between Stalin and Tito and his exclusion was classified from the Cominform alliance as a security risk, took place on 18 June 1951, the deportation " of politically unzuverlässlichen elements " in the Bărăgan - steppe, regardless of ethnicity. Romanian leadership aimed at the same time to break the onset of resistance to the upcoming collectivization of agriculture. Bărăganverschleppten When returning home in 1956, they received the 1945 expropriated houses and farms refunded. possession of the field, however, was collectivized.

Buildings and Facilities

The rectory was built in 1817 and the Catholic Church built in 1821. 1823 erected the German elementary school.


Sons and daughters of the town

  • Charles Huber (1827-1885), romania German composer, violinist, conductor and music teacher