Abraham Berge

Abraham Theodor Berge ( born August 20, 1851 in Lyngdal, † July 10, 1936 in Tønsberg ) was a Norwegian quite liberal politician of Frisinnede Venstre. He was Prime Minister of Norway from 1923 (succeeding Otto Bahr Halvorsen ) until 1924.

The teacher mountains began his political career in Lista in the present town of Farsund, where he was elected mayor in 1882. From there he went in 1891 in the Norwegian Parliament, where he first took the Venstre party. He was churches and Finance in different cabinets. After a ten year hiatus from politics, he became Finance Minister again, and later Premier, as the duty Otto Bahr Halvorsen Premier died. He stepped back as a vote repealing Prohibition failed.

In 1926, he was - at all as the only Norwegian Premier - indicted in office. The charges said that he had to hold back information in connection with a bank that was threatened by bankruptcy and should be rescued by the government. However, he was acquitted in 1927 along with six other ministers.
