Action Party (Italy)

The Action Party ( Partito d' Azione, Pd'A ) was between July 1942 and 1946 an Italian party.


The Pd'A was a party in the tradition of Giuseppe Mazzini and the Risorgimento. It was founded in July 1942 by former members of Giustizia e Libertà ( "Justice and Freedom" ), liberal socialists and democrats. Ideologically, it was a legacy of the "liberal socialism " Carlo Rosselli and Piero Gobettis " liberal revolution ". Whose writings rejected the Marxist " economic determinism " from and aimed at the overcoming of class struggle and for a "new" direction of socialism, respect for civil liberties and for a radical change in the social and economic structure of Italy.

Since January 1943, she published the secret party organ " Free Italy ". Important members of the CLN were organized in the party and participated in the units of Giustizia e Libertà ( "Justice and Freedom" ) under the command of Ferruccio Parri at the Italian resistance part. The Pd'A was clearly positioned anti- monarchist and thereby entered into opposition to Togliatti and the Italian Communist Party ( Partito Comunista Italiano, PCI ) or the turn of Salerno, in the run-up to the referendum of 1946 in terms of the integration of a Allparteinregierung had waived the requirement for comprehensive social reform.

In the immediate postwar period, the Pd'A was involved in the government and presented to the Prime Minister Ferruccio Parri (June to November 1945 ). An internal conflict between the democratic- reformist line by Ugo La Malfa and the socialist group led by Emilio Lussu together with the election defeat in 1946 to the dissolution of the party. The majority joined the Partito Socialista Italiano, while the group around La Malfa the Partito Repubblicano Italiano joined.

Known members

  • Historic Party ( Italy)
  • Past Liberal Party