
Agattu is a 29 km long and 14 km wide island in the Near Islands in the far west of the Aleutian Islands. With a land area of ​​221.593 km ² Agattu is one of the largest uninhabited islands in the Aleutian Islands and, to Attu, the second largest island in the Near Islands.

The mountainous, treeless island of volcanic origin, whose highest point is 632 m above sea level, is home to 7 large seabird colonies, whose population is estimated at 66,000 birds. Approximately 1% of the global population of Rotgesichtscharben and Tufted Lunde nest on the island. Other residents are Bering beach skiers, Red-necked Phalarope, Grey-headed Bullfinch Snow and Snow Bunting. The Aleutian Canada geese were dwarf, located after the elimination of actions implemented by Russian and American fur traders foxes in the 1970s on the island again. The eradication of foxes also made it possible to locate the Evermann 's Rock Ptarmigan again. In 2006 there were again at least 25 breeding pairs of ptarmigan on the island.

Topographic map sheet

Chart of Agattu
