
Ardalan or Erdelan was a semi - autonomous Kurdish principality in the northwest of present-day Iran. The area coincides approximately with the Iranian province of Kurdistan. The Principality existed since the Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. The capital was Sanandaj. The Kurdish Eşiret of Bani Ardalan founded the principality and ruled the region until the end.

After Şerefhan was the founder of the Principality of Bawa Ardalan. Şerefhan claimed that this was a descendant of the Marwaniden. Bawa Ardalan lived for a time in Iran among the Gorani Kurdish and soon acquired dominion over the Shahr -a Zor region. Around the 14th century acquired the Ardalans control of Sanandaj. To their territory included the areas of Zardiawa ( Karadagh ), Khanaqin, Kirkuk and Kifri.

The Principality was for a time independent until it became part of the Safavids in their empire. As a border region between the Safavids and the Ottomans, the importance of the Principality for the Safavids was high. The Principality had often clashes with the Kurdish Baban principality in Sulaymaniyah. The Baban principality was on Ottoman soil in what is now northeastern Iraq. The Shah Naser ad -Din Shah Qajar of the dynasty of ended the rule of the Ardalan, by 1867, he abolished the status of the Principality and his uncle, Farhad Mirza Mo'tamad -al- Dawla began as a ruler.

On the cultural language of the Principality of the Gorani, which became important as the liturgical language of the Ahl -e Haqq was. Through the centuries, the Gorani in the region has been more and more important. Some great poets were Bawa Yadigar, Yal- Bagi Jaff and Khan Almas Khani Luristani.

Rulers of Ardalan

Sources and links

  • Scherefhan, Serefname, translated by F.B. Charmoy, St. Petersburg, 1868-75, Vol.II.
  • Basil Nikitin, Les Kurdes, Paris, 1956.
  • Basil Nikitin, Les Valis d' Ardalan
  • W. Eagleton, The Kurdish Republic of 1946, London, 1963
  • M. Mardokh Kodestani, Tarikh -e kord wa Kodestan, Tehran, 1979
  • Article Ardalan, from the Encyclopædia Iranica
  • Pedigree of Ardalan
  • Kurdish history
  • History of Iran
  • Historical State ( Middle East )