Balranald Shire

- 34.616666666667143.56666666667Koordinaten: 34 ° 37 ' S, 143 ° 34' O Balranald Shire is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of New South Wales. The area is 21,699 km ² and has about 2,400 inhabitants.

Balranald is located in the southwest of the state on the border with Victoria on the Murray River about 850 km west of the city of Sydney, 530 km east of Adelaide and 430 km north- west of Melbourne. The area includes the following 24 villages and towns: Balranald, Banoon, Benanee, Bidura, Boree Plains, Brass Butt, Clare, Clare, Alma, Corrong, Euston, Glen Dee, Hatfield, Manfred, mongoose, Penarie, Red Bang Weir, The Vale, Til Til, Tin Tin, Tupra, Turlee and parts of Kyalite, Mossgiel and Oxley. The seat of the Shire Council is located in the town of Balranald on the southeastern boundary of the LGA, where about 1,300 inhabitants.

Balranald was founded in the mid-19th century to a crossing of the Murrumbidgee River. Initially benefited the place to a small extent from the gold rush in Victoria, but only towards the end of the century by the livestock export from South Australia, with the establishment of a second river ferry and a customs station, the population grew to several hundred. 1926, the city was connected by railway line with Victoria. The railway line no longer exists, it is at Balranald Sturt Highway on the route between Sydney and Adelaide.

Sheep farming is then as now an important economic factor in the region, added wheat and fruit production in the Middle River areas. The forestry plays a greater role.

The north western boundary of the Shire goes through the Willandra Lakes Region through, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most important of the 17 dry lakes, Lake Mungo, and the associated Mungo National Park situated on the territory of Balnaranda and are interesting from an archaeological point of view. There, among other things, the oldest fossils of human footprints are found worldwide.


The Balranald Shire Council has ten members who are elected by the residents of three wards ( three each from Ward A, B and C). These three districts are set independently of the villages. From the circle of Councillor also the Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council recruited.
