Baruch Adonai L'Olam (Maariv)

Baruch Adonai L' Olam (Hebrew בִּרְכַּת בָּרוּךְ ה ' לְעולָם - יִרְאוּ עֵינֵינוּ ) is a prayer that is recited immediately before the Eighteen Benedictions during the Jewish evening prayer Maariw.


It contains 18 verses. It is followed by the benediction " Jir'u eijneijnu " (Hebrew יִרְאוּ עֵינֵינוּ " our eyes can see "). The prayer was in Talmudic times, as synagogues in residential areas could not be built and the Jewish evening prayer had to be held on the fields. Therefore, these 18 verses took the place of the eighteen prayers prayer. The eighteen-year intercessions prayer itself was then recited in the private homes. At rest and holiday this prayer was not carried forward. Thus, the Shema and its blessings, was not separated from the eighteen- prayer of intercession.
