
IUCN Category II - National Park


The Bontebok National Park is located near the town of Swellendam in the Overberg District, Western Cape Province in South Africa. The distance to Cape Town and George is 240 kilometers per.

In 1931, originally to protect the last 30 Bontebok antelope wild ( Damaliscus pygargus ) founded National Park covers only an area of ​​20 km ², making it the smallest of the South African National Parks. The number of Bontebok is today kept at 200, since a larger number is not ecologically responsible. The National Park can be traversed using their own cars and also now houses a number of other antelope species. A few years ago even the rare Cape Mountain Zebra was introduced in a park; currently live there 22 zebras.

The climate is mild; the annual rainfall is 500 mm.

In the center of the park, near the Breede River, the " Rest Camp " Lang Elsie's Kraal 's lies ( named after a Khoi Khoi chief wife, who lived here 1734-1800 ). From the park you can enjoy a good view of the northern Langeberg Mountains.

Fauna and Flora

In addition to the stained goats and mountain zebras live a variety of other mammal species in the park, including aardwolf, genet cats, golden moles, mole-rats, honey badgers, mongoose, Kapfüchse, Cape old man rams Kapotter, aardvarks, hyrax, duiker, hartebeest, bat-eared foxes, mongoose, Rehantilopen, porcupines, steenbok and Zorillas.

In the park more than 200 bird species have been sighted about Stanley Bustard ( Neotis denami ), blue crane, spur goose, Secretary ( Sagittarius serpentarius ) Gackeltrappe, sunbirds and Würgerschnäpper. There are also three turtle species, the leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis), the African beak breast turtle ( Chersina angulata ) and the flat turtle ( Homopus arealatus )

The park is also home to eleven species of frogs, Bufo rangeri of which is the most common.
