Chenggong District

Chenggong (呈贡 区) is a municipality in the prefecture-level city of Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province in southwest China. It has an area of 541 km ² and has about 160,000 ( 2004). Since 20 May 2011, as the circle Chenggong was made to the municipality, the seat of the city government of Kunming is in the Jinxiu Road (锦绣 大街) Chenggongs.

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, the circuit is composed of three large municipalities and four municipalities. These are:

  • Greater community Longcheng (龙 城镇)
  • Greater community Luoyang洛 羊 镇
  • Greater community Dounan斗南 镇
  • Community Dayu大 渔乡
  • Community Wujiaying吴家 营乡
  • Community Majinpu马 金 铺乡
  • Community Qidian七 甸 乡