Corey Allen

Corey Allen, born Alan Cohen, ( born June 29, 1934 in Cleveland, Ohio, † June 27, 2010 in Hollywood, California ) was an American film director, actor, screenwriter and film producer.


Corey Allen attended UCLA and earned the academic degree of bachelor. In 1954, he became involved in a 20 - minute short film A Time Out of War, which won " Best Short Film " 1954 Oscar in the category. Later, the film also received awards at Cannes and Venice.

After graduating from UCLA, he was discovered by director Nicholas Ray, and offered him the character of Buzz Gunderson in ... for they know not what they do to, in which James Dean played the lead role.

For subsequent Goodbye, Mr. Scripps series Hill Street Blues from 1981, he won an Emmy.

In 2005, Corey Allen was awarded an honorary Doctor of Columbia College.

Filmography (selection)

As an actor

-1955: "For you know not what you do " / " A Rebel Without a Cause " with James Dean

As a director
