Dawenkou culture

With Dawenkou culture (Chinese大汶口 文化, pinyin Dàwènkǒu Wenhua ) is (all in China) refers to a group of Neolithic communities in Shandong and Anhui, Henan and Jiangsu. The culture existed from about 4100 BC to 2600 BC, in addition to the Yangshao culture. We have not found artifacts from turquoise, jadeite and ivory.

In general, the archaeologists divide the Dawenkou culture into three phases: early ( 4100-3500 BC), a middle ( 3500-3000 BC) and late ( 3000-2600 BC) phase. The early phase shows very egalitarian grave goods, characterized by beaker with long neck (鬹, gui ). In the middle phase the quantity of additions outweighs their diversity. In the late phase increasingly wooden coffins were used.

The eponymous Dawenkou - site ( in Shandong Province ) is on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China since 1982.
