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The deadlift (English Deadlift = " lifting a weight resting ( engl.deadlift ) ") is a power exercise in a lying on the ground weight will be lifted from a crouched, stable position. It is next to the squat and bench press a sub-discipline of Powerlifting struggle and the last of the three exercises a competition.

The deadlift trains the entire body, but especially the grip strength, the erector spinae, the gluteus maximus, the hamstrings and the soleus. Moreover, since various other muscle groups are used to stabilize work, with particularly the upper back area would be to say, is defined as the deadlift as a full body exercise or basic exercise (see muscle sling ).

As for the bench press, there are also individual competitions for the deadlift. Some popular are also tournaments with the combination of bench press and deadlift, so-called push- & -pull competitions. In competition, two variations of the deadlift are used - the classic version and the sumo deadlift.

Involved muscles

  • Biceps femoris
  • Musculus quadriceps femoris
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Musculus erector spinae
  • Musculus adductor magnus
  • Semitendinosus
  • Musculus semimembranosus
  • Triceps surae
  • Trapezius muscle


Classic variant

In the initial position the barbell on the floor, at the feet of athletes. The distance from the bottom of the rod to the bottom of the race is normally 21 cm.

The athlete is hip - to shoulder-width apart in front of the bar, and includes them with outstretched arms. The shins should be vertical in different proportions depending on the athlete. A prolonged sitting in this lower position should be avoided, since this voltage is lost in the fuselage. Legs and upper body are bent and then stretched when pulling the weight at the same time. The bar should in this case be as close as possible to the body is pulled upwardly, with a slight tendency to back. It should be ensured that before the lifting operation inhaled deeply and the abdominal muscles are consciously contracted to build intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, serve to stabilize the spine. It is particularly important that the back remains straight throughout the exercise. The voltage must always be maintained, the trend is towards a hollow back through conscious tension of the lower back muscles. A round back must be avoided. The shoulders should be in the last third of the movement if possible pulled back and knee in training are not pressed.

The Handle is eponymous here. Thus one engages with a hand in the overhand grip and the other underhand. This " cross handle " prevents rolling out of the bar when lifting. In order to strengthen the grip force may well also be temporarily lifted only in the preamble.

Frequently the deadlift are said to be harmful for your back exercise. However, this is incorrect because the deadlift strengthens the muscles of the back, thus preventing back problems. Making a slight hollow cross, similar to the upright posture of humans, is essential. Otherwise, heavy weights or many repetitions over time may result in injury to the lower part of the spine occur when lifting. Particular mention here would be the herniated disc or the breaking of the spinous processes.

Sumo variant

The Sumo variant requires an extremely broad Stand The distance between the feet is almost as wide as the inside dimension of the weight bar between the panes. The rod is gripped between the legs about shoulder width and also pulled in cross handle, until your legs are almost depressed and the upper body is erect. This variant is particularly suitable for athletes with unfavorable proportions. In this embodiment, the hip muscles is amplified claimed.

Health aspects

Deadlift is used both in the preventive and rehabilitation in the area and is, contrary to popular claims not move harmful, but for muscle building and strengthening of the back extremely beneficial. On a clean design, however, always be certain because it injury may occur in the sacroiliac joint else for example.

The shins can chafe through the drawing along the dumbbell with the classic deadlift quickly. To avoid it, long pants, long socks, shin pads or baby powder is recommended. Also, by wetting the legs can reduce the friction when lifting. Even choosing the right footwear plays a role ( both the deadlift and squat ). Thus, the sole should be as flat as possible and the shoe encircle the ankle support, eg ( weightlifting shoes).

World Records

The world record in the deadlift without the assistance of a Deadlift Suits ( belt is allowed) is 460.3 kg, established by Benedict Magnússon.

The record in the deadlift Deadlift Suit is 457.5 kg, set up by Andy Bolton.

The world record in the tire deadlift after the strongman rules, in which, instead of the weight plates are used tires and lifting straps are allowed, is located at 524 kg Zydrunas Savickas achieved by Arnold Strongman Classic during 2014.

The world record for one-handed deadlift is 330 kg held by Hermann Goerner.
