Edgar Philip Prindle Wadhams

Edgar Philip Prindle Wadhams ( born May 21, 1817 in Lewis, New York, USA, † December 5, 1891 in Ogdensburg ) was Bishop of Ogdensburg.


Edgar Philip Prindle Wadhams was a deacon of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America. On June 6, 1846 Wadhams converted to the Roman Catholic Church. He received on January 15, 1850 Sacrament of Ordination for the diocese of Albany. Edgar Philip Prindle Wadhams was rector of the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Albany and Vicar General of the Diocese of Albany.

On February 15, 1872, he was named by Pope Pius IX. Bishop of Ogdensburg. The Archbishop of New York, John McCloskey, donated to him on 5 May of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Bishop of Burlington, Louis Joseph Mary Theodore De Goes Briand, and the Bishop of Boston, John Joseph Williams.

Edgar Philip Prindle Wadhams took part in the 1883 provincial council of the Church Province of New York in 1884 at the Plenary Council of Baltimore.
