
Collasuyo is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Collasuyo is a central place in Cantón Collasuyo in 2009 the newly formed district ( bolivian: Municipio) Escoma, before the municipality of Puerto Acosta belonging, in the province of Heliodorus Camacho. The village lies at an altitude of 3831 m on the Challapata Peninsula ( Peninsula de Challapata ) on the eastern shore of Lake Titicaca at the mouth of the Río Suches.


Collasuyo located on the Bolivian Altiplano between the Titicaca Lake in the west and the Cordillera Muñecas in the east. The climate of the region is a typical diurnal climate in which the mean temperature fluctuations between day and night be more pronounced than between seasons.

The average annual temperature of the region lies at 8-9 ° C, the average monthly values ​​vary only slightly between 5-6 ° C in June / July and 10 ° C in November / December. The mean annual precipitation is about 800 mm (see climate chart Escoma ), the monthly values ​​lie in the arid period between less than 20 mm from June to August and a humidity from December to March values ​​120-165 mm.

Traffic network

Collasuyo lies at a distance of 172 kilometers of road north-west of La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the paved highway Ruta 2 runs north 70 km to Huarina, from there another 97 km of the Ruta 16 through Achacachi, Ancoraimes and Puerto Carabuco after Escoma. From Escoma from northwest performs a branch line to the country town of Puerto Acosta, and north will take the Ruta 16 in direction Charazani. In Escoma branches of the Ruta 16 down a dirt road in a southwesterly direction from, follows the Río Suches to the south and reaches the village Collasuyo after five kilometers.


The population of the town has remained virtually unchanged over the past two decades:

  • The village Collasuyo had a total population of 22 inhabitants at the last census of 2001.
  • The Subkanton Comunidad Kollasuyo belongs to the Collasuyo has hardly increased noticeably between the two censuses of 1992 and 2001 his number from 163 to 167 inhabitants.
  • The municipality of Puerto Acosta in the borders of 2001, its population in the period from 2001 in this decade also barely increased to 2010, according to official update, from 27,296 to 28,232 inhabitants.

Because of the historical population growth, the region has a high proportion of Aymara population in the municipality of Puerto Acosta in the borders of 2001, 97.3 % of the population speaking the Aymara language.
