Friedrich Sthamer

Friedrich Sthamer (* November 24, 1856 in Groß Weeden at Ratzeburg, † June 29, 1931 in Hamburg ) was a German lawyer. In the Weimar Republic, he was First Mayor of Hamburg and German Ambassador in London.


The Sthamer family is one of the old families of Hamburg. End of the 18th century, Jürgen Nicolaus Sthamer to Hamburg and 1842 Upper age. His son, an uncle of Frederick Sthamer, Eduard Sthamer (1803-1872), was a lawyer and from 1834 to 1860 Hamburg senator. The father of Frederick Sthamer had founded a company in Havana. Acquired wealth, he had the good Groß Weeden acquired.


Sthamer visited the Kiel Gelehrtenschule. After high school he began to study law at the Ruprecht -Karls- University of Heidelberg. In 1876 he joined the Corps Vandalia Heidelberg. As Inactive he moved to the University of Leipzig and later at the Georg-August -Universität Göttingen. There he received his doctorate in 1878 for Dr. iur ..

On January 1, 1879, he settled as a lawyer in Hamburg. 1892 Sthamer was elected to the board of the Hamburg Bar Association and in 1900 the Bureau of the Upper School Board. From 1901 to 1904 belonged to the Hamburg Sthamer citizenship and was elected to the Senate of Hamburg on 13 July 1904. He left in 1915 leave of absence during the First World War and took over from his Senate colleagues Justus beach the office of President of the civil administration of German-occupied Antwerp. The end of 1916, Max Schramm Sthamer successor as Sthamer took over a Reich Office 1917 and returned to Hamburg.

After the election, the first free and democratically elected citizenship on March 16, 1919 Sthamer was re-elected in the new Senate under Werner von Melle and Otto Stolten. On December 22, 1919 Sthamer was elected first mayor. However, he resigned already on 13 February 1920 to be ordered on the day of the financial support of the German Embassy in London. On August 27, 1920, the appointment to the German ambassador in London was. Arnold Diestel took office as the first mayor of Hamburg, and until September 9, 1920 remained Sthamer member of the Senate.

Sthamer was instrumental in negotiating the Locarno Treaties and signed this in December 1925 in London. In September 1930 Sthamer was retired, his successor as German ambassador was Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath.
