High Springs, Florida

Alachua County


High Springs is a city in Alachua County in the U.S. state of Florida with 5,350 inhabitants ( 2010).


High Springs is located on the Santa Fe River, an eastern tributary of the Suwannee River, which flows about 100 km south-west into the Gulf of Mexico. The city is bordered to the east by Alachua, located about 30 km northwest of Gainesville and about 110 km south-west of Jacksonville.


In High Springs, there are 28 different churches from 11 different denominations. Among the belonging to a denomination churches the Baptist church is best represented with six churches. There are 7 to no denomination belonging churches ( as of 2004).


According to the 2010 census, the then 5,350 inhabitants distributed to 2,361 households. The population density was 111.9 inh. / Km ². 82.2 % of the population were white, 13.8% African American, 0.5% Native American and 0.7 % Asian Americans. 1.1% were members of other ethnic groups and 1.8% in different ethnic groups. 6.6% of the population were Hispanic or Latino.

In 2010, children under the age of 18 and 27.2 % of all households lived in 34.2 % of all households with persons at least 65 years. 71.3 % of households were family households (consisting of married couples with or without offspring or a parent with offspring ). The average size of a household was 2.52 persons and the average family size is 2.97 people.

26.0% of the population were younger than 20 years, 24.1% were 20-39 years old, 29.0% were 40-59 years old and 21.0 % were at least 60 years old. The median age was 40 years. 48.4 % of the population were male and 51.6 % female.

The average annual income was $ 56,628, while 16.5 % of the population lived below the poverty line.

In 2000, English was the mother tongue of 96.35 % of the population spoke Spanish and 3.65%.


About six kilometers west of High Springs are the Gennie Springs. These sources are considered to be one of the best freshwater cave dive site of the United States. They are so easy to dive that even novice divers can experience the cave diving here.


High Springs is traversed by U.S. Highways 27, 41 and 441 and Florida State Road 20. In addition, Interstate 75 to the east of the city passes. The nearest airport is Gainesville Regional Airport ( around 35 km south-east ).


The crime rate in 2010 was 275 points ( U.S. average: 266 points ) within the average range. There were two rapes, two robberies, 19 injuries, 37 burglaries, 91 thefts, five car thefts and two arsons.
