IBM Rational Unified Process

The Rational Unified Process (RUP ) is a commercial product from Rational software, which is since 2003 part of the IBM Group. It includes both a process model for software development as well as the associated software development programs. IBM developed the RUP and the associated software on. The 9th version is the present (2006 ) the current version. The RUP uses the Unified Modeling Language ( UML) notation as a language. The RUP was presented by Philippe Kruchten in its original form for the first time in 1998.


The foundation stone was laid for RUP, as the well-known programmer Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh ( "The Three Amigos " ) of the Company Rational Inc. to a uniform system of notation agreed. As a result of these efforts, the UML was created. The standardization and further development of the language was passed to the Object Management Group ( OMG). With a common language, a common object-oriented method has now been developed. The Unified Process is a metamodel for process models for software development. The Unified Process was parallel to the Unified Modelling Language by Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and developed and published.

The Unified Process is based on the following principles:

  • Applications
  • Architecture in the center of the planning
  • Incremental and iterative approach

A concrete implementation of the Unified Process is the Rational Unified Process. The first version of RUP from the year 1999, the proposals of the three founders for a unified modeling method together.

Static aspects

The steps are divided into nine disciplines for each iteration:

Core operations (engineering disciplines ):

  • Business Process Modelling (Business Modeling)
  • Requirements Analysis ( Requirements)
  • Analysis & Design (Analysis & Design)
  • Implementation ( Implementation)
  • Test
  • Delivery (deployment)

Supportive steps ( supporting disciplines ):

  • Configuration and Change Management (Configuration & Change Management)
  • Project Management (Project Management )
  • Infrastructure ( Environment)

Dynamic aspects

Orthogonal to it are in the four RUP phases in which each of the above steps is more or less intensively used. Each of these phases is divided into one or more iterations, resulting in a milestone ( milestone english ).


This first design phase serves to truly formulate a vision of clear purpose and the creation of a rudimentary application model that describes the essential functionality and a tentative / provisional architecture. In addition, the most significant risks are identified and planned the development phase. It results in the Lifecycle Objective Milestone.


In this phase, the prototype architecture and a detailed description for about 80 percent of applications are developed. Here, the design of the construction phase. Result of this design phase is the Lifecycle Architecture Milestone.


Once the architecture has been elaborated, this phase focuses on the development and testing of the product. Here is the first working version of the software and ends with the Initial Operational Capability Milestone.


Transfer phase and delivery of the software to the customer. The process ends with the Product Release Milestone.

Best Practices

The Rational Unified Process accesses in practice best practices and experience values. These are formulated in the following six best practices:

  • Iterative software development, which, in contrast to linear process models (such as the waterfall model ) changing requirements can be considered also to a later date.
  • Accompanying project quality management with the goal of early fault detection.
  • Component-based architecture: components are isolated both developed and tested, and thus contribute to the re-usability of the product and the productivity and quality improvement.
  • Visual modeling for a better understanding of the problem. Most using the standardized modeling language UML. This parallel development in various fields is possible.
  • Controlled Change Management: to manage changes and to make Altstände reproducible.
  • Requirements Management: Requirements are the foundation of the system. Approach to detect changes, organize and conduct. Used for better control, improved quality and customer satisfaction.