Irene Jerotich Kosgei

Irene Jerotich Kosgei (* 1982 ) is a Kenyan marathon runner.

In 2004 she won the half-marathon competition of the Würzburg- Marathon and was third in each of the 25 km from Berlin, at Bredase Singelloop and the Reims Marathon. In 2005 she was fourth respectively at the Berlin half marathon and the Ruhr Marathon and second in the Nairobi Marathon. 2006 respectively followed third places at the Alexander - the - Great Marathon and the Portugal Half Marathon winning the Nairobi Marathon.

In 2007, she was fifth at the Paris marathon and Sixth in Reims, 2008 Second in Nairobi.

In 2009 she won the Tiberias Marathon, was third at the Ottawa Marathon and won again in Nairobi. The following year she was second in the CPC Loop Den Haag and won at the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi the gold medal, even though they had collided at an aid station with a competitor and had pitched the knee. She became the first Kenyan woman who won the marathon at the event itself. End of the season they won the Singapore Marathon.

In 2011 she finished fifth at the Daegu Marathon, came at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu on the 13th Place and defended her title in Singapore. 2012 was followed by a victory in the Milan City Marathon.

Personal Best

  • 3000 m: 9:07,90 min, May 31, 2004 Rehlinger
  • 5000 m: 15:37,30 min, July 2, 2004 Warstein
  • Half Marathon: 1:11:17 h 14 March, 2010, The Hague
  • Marathon: 2:28:57 h 25 October, 2009, Nairobi