Jean Bourgknecht

Jean Bourgknecht ( born September 16, 1902 in Freiburg, Switzerland, † December 23, 1964 ibid, hometown entitled in Freiburg) was a Swiss politician ( KCV ).


Bourgknecht belonged from 1951 to 1955 the National Council and from 1956 to the Council of States. In the same year he became president of the Conservative Christian Social People's Party ( CVP today ). He was elected on 17 December 1959 in the Federal Council, which was first composed for the magic formula. During his tenure, he stood before the Tax and Customs Department. He was vice-president in 1962.

Bourgknecht suffered in May 1962 was stroke and could not speak or write in the sequence. On September 3, his family declared his resignation at the end of the month.
