Jemmape (department)

The Département de Jemappes (also Jemmape; German Department of Jemmapes; Dutch Department van Jemmapes ) was a 1795 to 1814 the French State belonging to the department on the territory of the present Belgian province of Hainaut. It was named after the site of the Battle of Jemappes.


The territory of the department belonged before 1790 to different territories, mainly that was the biggest part of the county of Hainaut with the landscape Tournaisis, then smaller parts of the county of Namur and of the Duchy of Brabant (all last to the Austrian Netherlands, belonging ) and part of the Principality of Liège. 1790 originated in the field temporarily to the United States of Belgium. As a consequence, it came under the first French Revolution War to several battles between the French and Austrians in the region. One of them was in November 1792, the Battle of Jemappes, the Austrian Netherlands were entirely the consequence under the control of France.

On 9 Vendemiaire Year IV of the Republic (1 October 1795), the area was united on the basis of the "law on the unification of Belgium and Liege Region of the Republic " with France, which by the Treaties of Campo Formio ( October 1797 ) and Luneville ( February 1801 ) has been confirmed by international law. The area was classified according to the newly introduced in France Administrative divisions in nine departments, which were divided into arrondissements, cantons and municipalities. The cantons were also justice of the peace districts.

After Napoleon's defeat in the Battle of Leipzig ( October 1813 ) (May 1814) were the borders between Belgium and France restored to the status as of January 1, 1792 in the First Peace of Paris. With respect to the Department of Jemmapes the cantons Dour, Merbes- le -Château Beaumont and Chimay were excluded in they stayed first with France. Taken in response to the Congress of Vienna (June 1815) agreements were merged the old United Provinces of the Netherlands and the former Belgian provinces to the new Kingdom of the Netherlands. In August 1815, the new Kingdom of the Netherlands was divided into provinces, from the Department of Jemmapes the province of Hainaut was born.

In the Second Peace of Paris ( November 1815 ) the border between France and the Netherlands was re-established at the level of 1790, so that the cantons Dour, Merbes- le -Château Beaumont and Chimay were annexed the province of Hainaut. Since 1830, the area belongs to Belgium.


Capital ( chef-lieu ) of the department or office of the prefecture was the city of Mons (Bergen ). It was divided into three arrondissements, 32 cantons and 423 municipalities divided:

The Department had an area of ​​3,767 square kilometers and in 1812 a total of 472 366 inhabitants.
