John Baptist Franz

John Baptist Franz ( born October 29, 1896 in Springfield, Illinois, † July 3, 1992 ) was Bishop of Peoria and before the first bishop of Dodge City.


John Baptist Franz received on 13 June 1920, the ordination to the priesthood for the Diocese of Alton.

Pope Pius XII. appointed him on 27 May 1951, the first bishop of Dodge City. The Archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Stritch Samuel Alphonse, donated him on August 29th of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were Mark Kenny Carroll, Bishop of Wichita, and William Aloysius O'Connor, Bishop of Springfield in Illinois.

On August 8, 1959, he was named by Pope John XXIII. Bishop of Peoria.

John Baptist Franz attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council as part of a Council Father.

Pope Paul VI. adopted on May 24, 1971 to his resignation.
