Labiovelar consonant

  • Labial
  • Bilabial
  • Labiodental
  • Dental
  • Alveolar
  • Alveolopalatal
  • Postalveolar
  • Retroflex
  • Palatal
  • Labiovelar
  • Velar
  • Uvular
  • Pharyngeal
  • Glottal

In phonetics, describes labiovelar the articulation of a sound at the lips (Latin labium ) and the soft palate ( velum Latin ). In this case, " labiovelar " either represent a velar consonant or a labialized at two places at the same articulation labial- velar consonants spoken.

Labialisierte velars

As labialisierte velars [k ʷ ], [ g ʷ ], [ x ʷ ], [ ɣ ʷ ] is denoted by lip rounding spoken velars [k ], [ g], [x ], [ ɣ ] etc.

The most common labialisierte velar is voiced velar approximant of labialisierte [ w] (as in Engl. Witch [ wɪtʃ ] " witch "). Some varieties of English hereof distinguish the unvoiced fricative labiovelaren [ ʍ ] as in which [ ʍɪtʃ ] " which ".

The Indo-European proto-language had a number labialisierter velars, namely [k ʷ ], [ g ʷ ] (or after Glottaltheorie [k ʷ ˀ ] ), and [g ʷ ʰ ]. However, these are only in the western ( Germanic and Celtic languages) and southern propagation region detectable, namely the Italian, Greek, Anatolian, and to a lesser extent even in the latter closely related to Tocharian languages). In Greek and Celtic they have partially developed into pure labials.

In the other languages ​​( with palatalization, the so-called Satemsprachen ) they fell together by Delabialisierung with the simple velars.

Labial - velar

The labial- velar consonants are simultaneously speaking on the lips (Latin labium ) and the soft palate ( velum Latin ). This is not a consonant cluster but a simple sound which is spoken in two places at the same articulation. These sounds occur in languages ​​of West and Central Africa and New Guinea, and end of the word in Vietnamese. Examples of labial- velar consonants are:

  • [KP ] Logba ò - kpàyɔ [ ò - k͡pàyɔ ] "God"
  • [GB ] Ewe Ewegbe [ ɛβɛg͡be ] ( proper name of the language)
  • [ NM ] Vietnamese cung [ KUNM ] "sector"