Voiced velar stop

The velar voiced plosive ( a voiced, at the posterior dorsum of the tongue formed plosive ) has in different languages ​​following phonetic and orthographic realizations:

  • German [ ɡ ] or [ ɡ̊ ]: G, g
  • English [ ɡ ]: G, g
  • French [ ɡ ]: G, g before a, o, u and consonants (except gn). Examples: gas piller, "waste" [ ɡaspije ] grave, "heavy" [ ɡʀav ], vague, "wave" [ vaɡ ]
  • Examples: gamba "leg" [ ɡamba ] spaghetti, "spaghetti" [ spaɡet ː i]
  • Examples: gato, " cat " [ ɡato ], manga, " sleeves " [ maŋɡa ]