Palatal nasal

Voiced palatal nasal is a consonant, in which the tongue is pressed against the hard palate and escapes all the air in vibrating vocal cords through the nose.

Phonetic and orthographic realization of the voiced palatal nasal in different languages:

  • Albanian [ ɲ ]: Characterized by nj. Example: nje [ ɲə ] "one"
  • Example: signe [ siɲ ] " character"
  • Example: gnocchi [ ɲɔk ː i]
  • Example: juny [ ʒuɲ ] " June "
  • Example: Vina [ viɲa ] "they"
  • Example: Niania [ ɲaɲa ] " nanny "
  • Example: Amanhã [ amɐɲã ] "tomorrow"
  • Example: mañana [ maɲana ] " Tomorrow, tomorrow "
  • Examples: kůň [ ku ː ɲ ] "Horse", někde [ ɲɛɡdɛ ] "somewhere", nikde [ ɲɪɡdɛ ] " nowhere ", Antonín Dvořák [ antoɲi ː n]
  • Examples: nyelv [ ɲɛlv ] " language, tongue ", anya [ ɒɲɒ ] "mother", torony [ toroɲ ] "Tower "
  • Examples: синьо [ siɲo ] "blue" ( Bulgarian), нет [ ɲɛt ] "no" (in Russian ), мање [ maɲe ] " less " (Serbian )