Voiced palatal stop

The voiced palatal plosive ( a voiced, well-educated on the hard palate plosive ) is a consonant, the hard palate (Latin palatum durum) is formed and is characterized by the stevedoring and abrupt release of air as well as by an oscillation of the vocal cords. The sound is not a phoneme of German. Compared with the phonemes of the German resembles the sound of a narrow fusion of / d / and / j /.

It has the following in different languages ​​phonetic and orthographic realizations:

  • Albanian [ ɟ ]: Gj, gj Examples: gjysëm [ ˌ ɟy səm ] (" half" ), gjykoj [ ɟykɔj ] (" I judge, I judge " ), Gjirokastra [ ɟiɾokastɾa ] (a town in southern Albania )
  • Examples: Giełda [ ɟɛwda ] ' Exchange ', zginąć [ ɟinɔɲt͡ɕ ] ' perish ', Długie [ dwuɟɛ ] ( village; neuter to ' long ')
  • Example: yeso [ ɟeso ]
  • Examples: Ďáblice [' ɟa: blɪtsɛ ] ( part of Prague ), Dabel [' ɟa: bɛl ] "the devil ", jdi [ ɟɪ ] "go ", dítě [' ɟi: cɛ ] " ( the ) child," děti [' ɟɛcɪ ] " ( the ) children "
  • Examples: gyerek [ ɟɛrɛk ] "child", megyek [ mɛɟɛk ] " I 'm leaving," nagy [ nɒɟ ] "large"
  • Examples: ģimene [ ɟimɛnɛ ] "Family"