Labiodental flap

The labiodental flap is a consonant that occurs in several languages ​​of the Central African Republic and neighboring countries, for example in Margi and Kera, as well as in Zimbabwe. In addition, he is said to occur in the Austronesian language Sika. It is the unusual example of a non - rhotic flaps.

The bilabial flap seems to be an allophone in most languages ​​, if not all, so you could speak more generally of a labial flap.


In the linguistic literature of the labiodental flap has often been ad hoc circumscribed with the Brevis as IPA designation for extra soon: [V ], sometimes also with the symbol, which has been coined by Joseph Greenberg. After Dr. Kenneth S. Olsen had asked for the inclusion of the labiodental flap in the International Phonetic Alphabet, the International Phonetic Association in 2005 it agreed, v to denote it by a hook on the right:

The sign is a combination of v and ɾ, the sign of the alveolar tap.

This was for twelve years the first new character that was included in the IPA. The Unicode character set in version 5.1.0 to this extended characters (U 2 C71: ⱱ ). Alternatively, the similar letters Ischiza ( ѵ ) from the Cyrillic alphabet or U F25F from the Private Use Area (Recommendation of the IPA) will be used.


Labiodental the flap begins with the lower lip on the inside of the upper incisors. Then flung the lower lip, which she passes along the upper incisors, or upper lip or both.


In the Sika labiodental flap can be heard with careful pronunciation, but it can be pronounced as or affricate as labiodental voiced plosive [b ]. He is both the voiced bilabial labiodental fricative as well as for in opposition:
