Ladin language

Spoken in




As Ladin within the meaning of Dolomitenladinisch are a group of Romanesque dialects which are spoken in several alpine valleys of northern Italy. As a major distribution areas of Val Gardena and Val Badia in South Tyrol, Val di Fassa in Trentino and Buchstein and Cortina d'Ampezzo apply in the province of Belluno (Veneto ). There are also a number of other dialects in Trentino and the province of Belluno, the inclusion in the research partly as a semi- Ladin transitional or mixed forms, some are still assigned to the Ladin himself. With regard to the position for Italian is debatable whether the Ladin is to integrate the northern Italian dialects or together with the Romansh in Graubünden and the Furlanischen in Friuli a linguistic unit forms (see Questione Ladina ), by proponents of this view also as a whole Ladin designated or Romansh, and within which it is then recognized as zentralladinische or zentralrätoromanische dialect group due to its geographical center position.

Sociolinguistics is the situation of Ladinischsprecher whose number is about 30,000 people in the central area, strongly influenced by multilingualism ( in South Tyrol ) and diglossia ( Trentino and Veneto ). In South Tyrol and Trentino Ladin enjoys the status of a ( partially territorially limited) official and school language. Attempts to codify a uniform standard language culminated in the drafting of the Ladin Dolomitan.


In various publications on the Ladin language names are emerging that, in part, have, depending on the author and depending on the context, different extents.

  • Sellaladinisch is a tightly broad term that was coined by the mountain Stock Sella, by which the Fassa and Val Badia, Val Gardena and Buchstein group. Accordingly, only the spoken dialects in these valleys are grouped together under this term, occasionally Ampezzanische is also added to it.
  • Dolomitenladinisch (after the Dolomites mountain range ) can be understood as something Sellaladinisch and include more adjacent dialects from the Cadore.
  • Zentralladinisch or Zentralrätoromanisch used in the context of an assumed Romansh language group, as discussed in this article dialects occupy a geographic position midway between the west spoken in Grisons Romansh and the east in the Friuli -based Furlanischen. Graziadio Ascoli subsumed under this term in addition to the Dolomites Ladin in addition, the ladino - anaunischen dialects.

External and internal structure

With regard to the position for Italian is debatable whether the Ladin is to integrate the northern Italian dialects or together with the Romansh in Graubünden and the Furlanischen in Friuli a linguistic unit forms (see Questione Ladina ), by proponents of this view also as a whole Ladin designated or Romansh, and within which it is then recognized as zentralladinische or zentralrätoromanische dialect group due to its geographical center position.

In Ladin core area (also called Ladin ) can be distinguished six dialects:

  • Mareo ( Ennebergisch )
  • Badiot ( Gadertalisch / Abteitalisch )
  • Gherdeina ( Grödnerisch )
  • Fascian ( Fassanisch )
  • Anpezan ( Ampezzanisch )
  • Fodom ( Buchensteinisch )

In addition, several other dialects in Trentino and Veneto are classified due to their affinity to narrow Sella Ladin in terms of their lexicon According to status or morphology as more or less Ladin or ladinisierend. In presenting an overview of Ladin is aware of their marginal position, on the one hand because you have reduced shares its grammar with the Sella Ladin together, are ethno- and sociolinguistic clearly separated on the other of the core areas. Specifically, these are the following dialect groups:

  • Ladino cadorisch in Cadore or Ladino comelicanisch in Comèlico
  • Ladino venedisch in Cordevole Valley
  • Ladino anaunisch in Val di Non and Val di Sole, divided into Nones and Solander.

There are various attempts breakdown, which in turn combine individual dialects to larger groups.

Numbers of speakers

On the occasion of every ten -yearly census, the citizens in South Tyrol and Trentino (not in the province of Belluno ) is called to declare their language group membership. In 2011, in South Tyrol 4.53% and 3.5 % of the population declared in Trentino as Ladinischsprecher, including residents of the Val di Non and Val di Sole. In the 2011 census, 23.19 % of the Nonstaler have declared Ladinischsprecher, in 2001 it had still been 17.54 %. In South Tyrol, the language group membership for the purpose of ethnic proportional representation is relevant.

In the province of Belluno there is no language group membership declaration. Therefore, the specified number of 30,000 Ladinischsprechern Ladin core area is possible only on the basis of estimates.


Ladin is in some communities, authorities and school languages ​​recognized Ladin population than regional. These communities include Wolkenstein ( Sëlva ), St. Ulrich ( Ortisei ), St. Christina (Santa Cristina ), Abbey ( Badia ), Badia ( Corvara ), Enneberg ( mareo ), St. Martin in Thurn (San Martin de Tor ), Wengen (La Val ), Canazei ( Cianacèi ), Vigo di Fassa ( Vich ) and Pozza di Fassa ( Poza ), all located in the region of Trentino -Alto Adige. To date, to minority rights for the Ladin in the Veneto region is lacking. Therefore strive Ladin in Cortina d' Ampezzo, Livinallongo del Col di Lana and Colle Santa Lucia to a restructuring of administrative boundaries. That would defeat the places that have already heard about Tyrol and the diocese of Brixen, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano -Alto Adige.

Although many children in Cortina d' Ampezzo understand Ladin, because their parents or grandparents still speak, communicate with each other but only more Italian. Since teachers are set nationally by rank order, usually those come without Ladinischkenntnisse to train. Ladin is not the language in Cortina.

The following table shows the regional differences in the everyday use of the Ladin language according to a study from the year 2006:


Is derived the name from the Latin, as it is a vulgar Latin language version of the Romanized Alpine region during Ladin. Ladin is often attributed as a remnant of vulgar Latin dialects of Romansh. However, whether there was a national Romansh original language is controversial among scientists and has been discussed as Questione Ladina. The since the 6th century advancing from the north Bavarians repressed the Romansh idiom from large parts of its former distribution area. Later this important language area in the south in favor of the Italian back gradually. Only in the remote valleys of the Ladin could hold. With the end of the First World War and annexation of the southern part of Tyrol in Italy were the Ladin -speaking areas of the dissolved Austria-Hungary to Italy.

The Italian national movement in the 19th and 20th century saw almost always in Ladin an Italian dialect, which was rejected by the majority of Ladin himself. In the Gruber - De Gasperi Agreement of 1946, no protection of the Ladin was provided. Only through the second Statute of Autonomy of South Tyrol in 1972 acquired the Ladin minority rights in this area.

1988 mandated the Ladin Cultural Institutes " Micurà de beet " and " Majon di Fascegn " the Zurich University Professor Heinrich Schmid, to create a common standard language. The summer of 1998 was finally published the Guidelines for the development of a common written language of the Val Badia, the Ladin Dolomitan the Ladin or standard raised from baptism. When the population Sprachkodifizierung found only limited agreement (see also RG ).

Linguistic peculiarities

The delineation of the Ladinian to dialects of Italian is not without controversy and seems to be more politically than linguistically related in some cases. However, this relates to geographically particularly the transition areas that are outside the valleys around the Sella group and thus not part of the now undisputed Ladin evaluated valleys: Val Gardena, Val Badia / Marebbe, Fodom and Fassa are in which variants of the so-called atesinischen Ladin are spoken. The Ladin spoken east of it belongs to the so-called Cadore Ladin, which also includes the Ampezzanische counts, this is often referred to, for historical reasons, generally together with the atesinischen variants of the Ladin as Dolomitenladinisch.

Whether it's in the past, a speech continuum west to the Romansh ( Romansh narrow sense ) and east to the Furlanischen, ie a linguistic unit, has given, is controversial and represents the substance of the so-called Questione Ladina dar. The problem of historical linguistics, particularly the reference to a Rätisches substrate, which is not true for the Furlanische. The Ladin idioms share with the Bünderromanischen and Friulian but in fact some trains, in turn delimit all three from Italian and its dialects; the most characteristic of these is probably the palatalization of initial sound Latin CA, so Latin CASA> gadertalisch ciasa ( [ ʨaza ] ), grödnisch (CESA [ ʧəza ] ). Today not represented in all Ladin idioms - - phonetic realization as [ ʨ ] to notice that also occurs in Furlanischen and Bünderromanischen ( Cjase about in RG chasa and Friulian ) This also is.

Morphologically, another feature is the existence of a mixed plural system of s- and i- plurals, eg grödnisch l di ( "the day " ), i dis ( " the day " ), but l ciavël ( " hair " ), i ciavëi ( " hair ").

To distinguish against the Italian other features can be named:

  • (partially) rhotacism of L, such as the characteristic Ampezzo Feminine Article ra ( in other idioms la ); in single words sporadically in other idioms: gadertalisch Sorëdl, grödnisch Surëdl ( "Sun" ) (< late Latin SOLICULUM < Latin SOL)
  • ( partial) transformation of the Latin cluster CL and GL ( anlautend and intervocalic ): CLAMARE > gadertalisch tlamè, grödnisch tlamé ( " call "); Glacies > GLACIA ( late Latin) > gadertalisch / grödnisch Dlacia ( " ice " )
  • Nichtvokalisierung of L from Latin CL, PL: CLAMARE > gadertalisch tlamè, grödnisch tlamé ( " call " ), but Italian chiamare ( to Venetic ciamare in northern Italian dialects even palatalized Lombard ciamà ), PLUS > gadertalisch Plue, grödnisch plu, while Italian più.
  • ( partial) collapse of singular and plural of the third person the verb: grödnisch ( ël ) Ven ( " he comes " ), ( EI) Ven ( "they ");
  • (partly) identical set of feminine products for singular and plural ( eg in Grödnischen and Ampezzo ): grödnisch la Cesa Pl la CESES, ampezzanisch ciasa ra, ra ​​ciaśes Pl.

Spelling, pronunciation,

The different written languages ​​of Ladin and the Ladin Dolomitan use a spelling whose principles coincide as far as possible. This pronunciation can usually be deduced from Scripture with some certainty.

Consonants ( South Tyrol variants)

Vowels ( South Tyrol variants)

Accent and macron

The word accent is words that auslauten vowel, usually on the penultimate syllable ( penultimate ), in words that auslauten a consonant (except -s), on the last syllable. Exceptional cases are caused by a acute accent ( é, ó ) or a grave (à, è, ì, ò, ù ) marks. In e and o is indicated by the use of acute and grave a different pronunciation: é [e ] è [ ɛ ], ó [ o] ò [ ɔ ]. Some acute or grave accent are used for distinguishing between homonyms graphic. The letter ë always indicates emphasis. Lengths are only Badiot / mareo - z.T. - Particularly characterized by a circumflex ( â, ê, î, ô, û ), as they are distinctively meaningful only there.


As a language example is given here a part of the Our Father in the various idioms, as well as German, Italian and Latin.
