Laurence Julius FitzSimon

Laurence Julius Fitzsimon ( born January 31, 1895 in San Antonio, Texas, USA, † July 2, 1958 ) was Bishop of Amarillo.


Laurence Julius Fitzsimon received on 17 May 1921, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

On August 2, 1941, he was named by Pope Pius XII. Bishop of Amarillo. The Apostolic Delegate in the United States, Archbishop Giovanni Cicognani Amleto, donated to him on 22 October of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Coadjutor Bishop of Corpus Christi, Mariano Simon Garriga, and the Auxiliary Bishop of Santa Fe, Sidney Matthew Metzger. The inauguration took place on November 5, 1941.
